Whitney Moss » Hello There!

Hello There!

I hope these pages and resources finds you well

Located on the right is a list of pages that entails community, school and social emotional learning (SEL) resources. Listed below are posts I will continue to share throughout the year to provide updates and information.
*Please click "Subscribe" under my profile picture to the right to receive my updates and posts --->
"Be Light, Travel Light, Spread the Light, Be the Light"
"Where flowers bloom, so does hope."
                           - Lady Byrd Johnson
Love to you all,
-Whitney Moss


Friendship Drama
It is common for our students to encounter friendship challenges. Big Life Journal offers helpful tips and scripts to help support your child through their friendship hardships.
Looking for counseling for your student or family? The Center for Family Development has availability! Please see photo for information.

Instead of Go to Your Room

When your child reaches their tipping point or "lid is flipped," their reasoning and rational thinking tends to shut down. Instead of sending them away, try these three approaches to support their emotion regulation skills:
1. Calming breathing techniques
2. Exercise
3. Play using playdough, jump rope or make music
Check out this handout for additional ideas! You may print it and put it on the fridge or a place that can help remind you of ways to help your child navigate their strong feelings.

"Stop Whining," Doesn't Work - Big Life Journal

Our brains have been wired to notice negative things in our environment as a way to survive. However, today such negativity is not always helpful. As a child, when they experience negative events and things don't go their way, they complain. Thanks to psychology research, there is an antidote! Gratitude is one of the most effective ways to counteract negativity. Gratitude is not ignoring feelings or looking past negativity, but rather refocusing our attention. When children focus on things they are grateful for, they can refocus their thoughts, thus reduce the whining or complaining.

Explosive Behavior

Do you have a child who tends to explode when they are angry or frustrated? Do the smallest change in plans set them off? Do you dread transitions because they might trigger a full-blown meltdown?

There are three steps to help your child with explosive behavior:

1. Identify the pattern

2. Identify the lagging skills

3. Have a conversation

Click here to read the full article:
